Appointment Hours

Pacific Time Zone: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9am - 3pm

Central Time Zone: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 11am - 5pm


503-701-2294  (Please, note this phone does not accept text messages. I do not use text messaging with clients as it is not a secure form of communication) 

Email: (please note email is not a secure form of communication. Do not include personal health information in emails) 

24-hour Mental Health Crisis Lines:
Multnomah County 503-988-4888. Toll Free at 1-800-716-9769. Hearing Impaired dial 711.
Washington County: 503-291-9111. Hearing Impaired: TDD 1-800-735-2900
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255. Veterans dial 1